The Benefits of Circumcision and Parents Need to Know About It
Circumcision was an early medical procedure going back hundreds of years to the time of the Ancient Egyptians. It’s served a range of useful functions throughout history, and has lately gained recent popularity as a preventive measure to male infertility. The benefits of circumcision are many and diverse. They range from lessening the chance of prostate and colorectal cancer in men, to decrease of foreskin itchiness in boys.
The Benefits of Circumcision and Parents Need to Know About It
Male sexual health was recognized as a crucial reason for adopting a procedure like circumcision. Circumcision has additionally been demonstrated to minimize the risk of acquiring HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases. Even if not strictly necessary for spiritual or cultural reasons, many males will agree that it is better to be safe than sorry. If there are any doubts about the benefits of this procedure, simply look at the statistics. Virtually all the recorded benefits of circumcision outweigh the risks by a factor of 2 or three.
The Benefits of Circumcision and Parents Need to Know About It
The most widely documented advantage of the procedure performed on newborn men is that the avoidance of penis and scrotum harms. Through the process of removing the foreskin throughout the course of infancy, any possible harm to the penile shaft is prevented. In the long term, this could potentially save a man’s life should he encounter an accident while on a hunting excursion. Moreover, the risk of any possible infection is greatly diminished since the newborn is not yet vulnerable to infection-causing germs.
Another advantage is the reduction of risk for particular forms of cancers. Cancer of the lymph glands, testicles, lungs, prostate and pancreas are usually related to aging and infectious diseases. Rare but possible ailments like measles and herpes can be prevented through regular HIV testing. Moreover, genital warts and herpes outbreaks could be significantly reduced through this procedure. Last, the risk for penile cancer is significantly diminished through this process than through that of other techniques.
The Benefits of Circumcision and Parents Need to Know About It
People who assert that advantages of circumcision seem to outweigh the risks by a factor of 2 or more could be wrong. First, the most significant advantage is the protection of the glans penis from any harms. Any injuries to the glans penis may lead to complications and so, amputation. By cutting any extra tissue, you can cause irreparable damage.
Second, in respect to the dangers of the process, allow me to make a technical report. Let me explain to you how we arrive at such numbers. To begin with we take into account that most men who get a circumcision will require another one to cure properly. Given this fact, we can safely estimate that approximately two hundred and fifty new cases of re-operation will occur each year. Taken together, these results show us that the process brings about a much less danger than more traditional procedures.
Third, the best benefit brought about by this medical procedure is that the protection it provides from HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases. This is especially important because the prevalence of HIV has considerably increased during the last few years. You see, through the usage of an electrocauterization technique called circumcisions, the dangers of getting HIV have been significantly reduced. You see, even though the danger of contracting herpes during non-ritual practices has also been decreased, using the method reduces the risk by over 90%.
The Benefits of Circumcision and Parents Need to Know About It
When we add up all these advantages against the risks of circumcision, we can now reasonably arrive at the conclusion that the advantages of AHDI (the acronym for the method we are referring to in this article) outweigh the risks by a factor of two. This means that you should consider getting your baby to conduct this procedure. It’s important that you don’t have any doubts concerning the security and performance quality of this technique. You should remember that there have been hardly any adverse events reported in favor of their usage of this method. What you should be searching for is evidence to support the claim that this process reduces the risk of obtaining a broad assortment of ailments, including but not limited to: Hepatitis B, genital warts, herpes, genital herpes and HIV.